I. Introduction

A. Explanation of GRE

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is a standardized test that is designed to measure the skills of students who are planning to attend graduate school. The test is required by many graduate schools in the United States and other countries as part of their admissions process. The GRE is administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS).

The GRE consists of three main sections: Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Analytical Writing.

The Quantitative Reasoning section of the GRE measures a student’s ability to understand, interpret and analyze quantitative information. The questions in this section cover a range of topics, including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis. Students are required to solve problems using basic mathematical concepts, and they may use a calculator for some questions.

The Verbal Reasoning section of the GRE measures a student’s ability to analyze written material and to use language effectively. The questions in this section cover a range of topics, including reading comprehension, vocabulary, and sentence completion. Students are required to comprehend dense stories and non-fiction passages in a timely and accurate manner.

The Analytical Writing section of the GRE measures a student’s ability to write clear, concise and effective arguments. Students are required to write two essays, one analyzing an issue and the other analyzing an argument. The essays are scored on a scale of 0-6, with 6 being the highest possible score.

The GRE is scored on a scale of 130-170 for each of the three main sections (Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Analytical Writing). The total score is the sum of the three section scores. A score of 500 on the GRE is considered average. Students who score above 500 are considered to be in the top 50% of all test takers, while those who score above 600 are considered to be in the top 25%.

It is important to note that the GRE is not the only factor considered by graduate schools in their admissions process. Other factors that are taken into consideration include undergraduate GPA, letters of recommendation, work experience, and research experience. However, a good GRE score can help students stand out among their peers.

B. Common stressors associated with the GRE

1. Time pressure: The GRE is a timed exam with strict time limits for each section. This can create a sense of urgency and pressure to perform well in a limited amount of time.

2. Familiarity with the question types: The GRE covers a wide range of question types, including multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions. Familiarity and proficiency with each question type can be a major stressor.

3. Test anxiety: Many test-takers may experience feelings of anxiety, nervousness, or even panic when taking the GRE. These feelings can be overwhelming and can negatively impact performance.

4. Difficulty of questions: The GRE is designed to challenge test-takers and it is not uncommon for many questions to be extremely difficult. This can create a sense of frustration and defeat in test-takers.

5. Fear of failure: The GRE is a significant factor in the graduate school application process and often the performance on the exam is closely tied to admissions decisions. The fear of failure and the potential consequences of a low score can create significant stress for test-takers.

6. Lack of preparation: Many test-takers may not feel fully prepared for the exam due to a lack of time or resources. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy and stress about performance.

7. Pressure from external factors: Some test-takers may feel pressure from external factors, such as family or academic advisors, to perform well on the GRE. This can add to the overall stress of the exam.

C. Introduction of methods to cheat the GRE

1. Using a fake ID: Some individuals may try to use a fake ID to gain access to the test center. This method is not advisable as test centers have strict security measures in place to prevent security breaches, including verifying each test-taker’s identity. Using a fake ID can lead to criminal charges, and it is not worth the risk.

2. Writing answers on a calculator: Some people have attempted to write down answers on their calculators or on small sheets of paper that are hidden inside their calculator. However, this method is not advisable as calculators are checked by the test center staff and any unauthorized material found can lead to disqualification or a ban from retaking the test.

3. Hiring someone to take the test: Some students have tried to hire someone to take the test for them, either by paying someone else to take the test or by impersonating the test-taker. This method is illegal and can lead to criminal charges. Additionally, the scores obtained in this manner can be easily caught up by the admissions committees, leading to further legal action.

4. Communicating with others during the test: Another method of cheating many people used is communicating with others during the test. This can include using hand signals, coughs, or whispers. This method is risky since test centers are monitored, and test proctors are trained to spot suspicious activity among test-takers. It is considered academic misconduct and can result in a ban from taking the GRE.

5. Accessing unauthorized materials: Another approach to cheating is availing of unauthorized materials, such as study guides or test banks, before or during the test. While this approach may seem innocent, it is also considered academic misconduct and can harm your integrity, give a wrong start to your career or future ambitions.

II. Benefits of cheating on the GRE

A. Confidence

The first benefit of cheating on the GRE is that it can boost test-takers’ confidence. It is no secret that the GRE is a difficult exam that requires a lot of time and effort to prepare for. Test-takers can spend months studying, only to feel like they are still not adequately prepared for the test. Cheating can be an easy way for them to feel more confident going into the exam. By cheating on the GRE, test-takers can feel like they have an edge over their peers and are more likely to perform well on the test.

B. Less stress

Cheating during the GRE exam reduces the pressure that comes with the anticipation of results. After writing an exam, a student has to wait for weeks before receiving their results. During this period, the student is worried about how they performed in the exam. They start to doubt their ability to solve the questions correctly and dread the possibility of failing the exam. Nevertheless, cheating removes the pressure of worrying about exam results since the student already knows the answers. The student can avoid the post-exam torture of checking the answer keys and plotting how many questions they answered incorrectly.

Cheating during the GRE exam can alleviate the stress that comes with failure. After taking the exam, a student has high expectations of their performance, and they want to achieve the highest possible score. Nevertheless, even with rigorous studying and preparation, a student’s performance may fall below their expectations. Such a scenario can be stressful since the student’s future academic and career goals depend on their GRE score. If a student cheats and gets a high score, they can avoid the trauma of failing the exam and choosing alternative routes to advance their dreams.

Cheating during the GRE exam can reduce pressure from parents, teachers, and friends who expect excellent results. During the exam period, a student’s family and friends are curious about their progress and expect them to do well. Some parents may have already started planning for their child’s postgraduate studies, and they put their child’s under pressure to excel in the exam. Such high expectations can be overwhelming and cause stress since the student believes he/she has to live up to their parents’ and friend’s expectations. However, if a student cheats, they can produce the results their parents, teachers, and peers expect without going through the hard study regime.

C. Higher test scores

Cheating on the GRE might help individuals achieve a better score than what they would have obtained through legitimate means. The GRE is a crucial test for students who are applying to graduate schools. A higher score on the test can make them stand out in any competitive application process. It is a standardized test, and therefore the questions are uniformly structured and the answers are graded based on a predetermined scale.

III. Methods of cheating on the GRE

A. Using study aids and guides

Using study aids and guides is a popular method of cheating on the GRE. These materials are designed to provide students with an overview of the test content, tips on how to answer questions, and strategies for improving their scores. However, if these are used inappropriately, it can be considered cheating.

Here are some ways that students may misuse study aids and guides to cheat on the GRE:

1. Memorizing the answers: Some students may use study aids and guides to memorize the answers to specific questions. This can be problematic because the GRE is designed to test a student’s critical thinking and problem-solving skills, not their ability to memorize answers.

2. Sharing answers with others: Study aids and guides may contain answer keys or other materials that provide solutions to questions. Some students may share these answers with other test-takers, which is a form of cheating.

3. Using unauthorized materials during the test: Some students may use study aids and guides during the test itself. This can take the form of writing notes on the test booklet or using a calculator that is not allowed. Both actions are considered cheating and can result in severe penalties, including cancellation of their test scores.

4. Using test-prep services to write answers: Some test-prep services offer to write answers for students, which they can submit as their own. This is a clear form of cheating and can result in the revocation of the student’s admission to graduate school or business school.

5. Copying test questions or answers: Some students may try to copy test questions or answers from online forums or other sources. This is a form of plagiarism and can result in the cancellation of the student’s test scores.

6. Using computer programs to cheat: Some students may use computer programs to cheat on the GRE. For example, they may use a software program that provides them with the correct answer to a specific question. This is a form of cheating and can result in the cancellation of their test scores.

B. Utilizing online resources

1. Using websites to obtain answers to GRE questions

Many websites offer to provide students with answers to GRE questions. These websites may sell the answers or provide them for free. Students who use these websites simply copy the answers and submit them as their own. This method of cheating is not only unethical, but it is also not effective. The GRE is a standardized test, and the questions are designed to be difficult to answer. Students who use websites to obtain answers are unlikely to achieve a high score.

2. Using online calculators and other tools

The GRE includes questions that require students to use math skills. However, some students may not have strong math skills, and they may resort to using online calculators and other tools to solve these questions. Online calculators and other tools can provide students with the correct answer to the question, but they do not help students to develop their math skills. Furthermore, students who use these tools are not likely to score well on the GRE.

3. Sharing test questions and answers on social media

Some students may take pictures of the test questions or text them to others during the test. This allows other students to study the questions before taking the test. Similarly, some students may post answers to test questions online after taking the test, which allows other students to cheat. These methods of cheating are not only unethical but can also result in disciplinary action.

4. Using online forums to obtain answers

Some online forums allow users to post questions and receive answers from other users. Some students may use these forums to obtain answers to GRE questions. However, the answers provided by other users may not be correct or may not be relevant to the students’ specific question. Furthermore, students who use these forums to obtain answers are not developing their own critical thinking and analysis skills.

C. Finding a tutor

1. Word-of-mouth: Ask friends or colleagues who have taken the GRE if they worked with a tutor and whether they found that experience helpful.

2. Online Tutoring Platforms: Platforms such as Chegg, Wyzant, and TutorMe provide access to hundreds of tutors specializing in GRE prep.

3. GRE Prep Courses: Many test prep providers such as The Princeton Review and Kaplan offer GRE prep courses led by experienced tutors.

4. Local Tutoring Centers: Check with local tutoring centers if they have GRE tutors available.

IV. Risks of cheating on the GRE

A. Consequences

1. Cheating can lead to disqualification: If you are caught cheating on the GRE, you can be disqualified from taking the test, as well as being banned from taking the test again for a specific period. Disqualification from the exam may prevent you from getting into the graduate school you desire, and it will waste your time and money.

2. Legal consequences: Cheating can also have legal consequences. The Educational Testing Service (ETS), which administers the GRE, has policies in place to prevent cheating, including ways to detect cheating. If you are caught cheating, the ETS may take legal action against you. This can lead to legal fees, fines, community service, or even jail time.

3. Damage to reputation: Cheating can also damage the reputation of the person involved. It can damage the reputation of a college or university, as well as the reputation of the program that you are applying to. This can negatively impact your chances of getting admitted to a graduate program or for potential future employment opportunities.

4. Loss of credibility: Cheating can also result in a loss of credibility. GRE scores are often used as a measurement of academic intelligence, intellectual ability, and potential. If you cheat on the GRE, it ruins your credibility as a student, intellectual, or scholar, and it can be challenging for people to trust your abilities in the future.

B. Possibility of getting caught

ETS has implemented several measures to prevent students from cheating on the GRE. For example, they use biometric data (such as fingerprints) and photo identification to verify students’ identities before they take the test. During the test, test-takers are monitored by proctors who ensure that they do not cheat. Proctors are trained to identify different types of cheating, such as using unauthorized aids or communicating with other students during the test.

Moreover, ETS uses statistical analyses and machine learning algorithms to identify suspicious test results. These algorithms look for patterns in students’ behavior and performance that suggest cheating, such as a sudden significant improvement in scores or a matching set of answers between multiple students. ETS also has strict rules about what is allowed in the testing room, such as prohibiting the use of electronic devices, including phones and smartwatches.

Despite these measures, some students still attempt to cheat on the GRE. However, the probability of getting caught while cheating on the GRE is not clear, and research suggests that the detection rate varies widely depending on the type of cheating and the context of the test.

Overall, the possibility of getting caught while cheating on the GRE is not clear-cut, and it depends on several factors, such as the type of cheating, the context of the test, and the effectiveness of ETS’s detection methods. It is worth noting that cheating is not only ethically wrong but it can also negatively impact students’ education and career prospects. Therefore, students should avoid cheating and seek alternative means of improving their performance on the test, such as working with a tutor, taking practice tests, and developing study strategies.

C. Potential damage to your future

First of all, cheating on the GRE can end up seriously damaging your future academic prospects. Cheating on an exam can land you in a situation where your academic records can be disapproved, and your chances of attaining that graduate degree can be severely limited. It can ultimately lead to you being disqualified from a degree program or the loss of your graduate school eligibility altogether. Cheating on the GRE can also cause irreparable damage to your academic reputation. This can be a result of being ostracized by other students, professors, or academic administrations, which can make it more difficult for you to get a job in the future. Your resume is expected to be spotless and free of any ethical misdemeanors that display a lack of character or integrity. Cheating can send the message that you don’t have these character traits and harm your chances of being employed from the get-go.

Secondly, cheating on the GRE can lead to serious and long-term damage to your career prospects. Having a record that indicates you have cheated on the exam can hamper your future career prospects. It is possible that you may lose a great career opportunity that you have worked hard for, simply because of a poor decision that you made in the past. Employers are always on the lookout for individuals who show integrity and good ethics, and if you have a history of cheating, it is unlikely that you will be viewed as a desirable candidate. Even if you do manage to get hired, the fact that you have cheated along the way can lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety. If this is discovered at any point during your employment, you may be fired from your position.

Thirdly, it is also important to recognize that cheating on the GRE also has the capacity to damage your own sense of self. If you are planning to cheat on the GRE, it shows a lack of confidence in your own abilities. A fear of failure is not a new phenomenon, but it’s important to remember that failure is part of the learning process. Accepting the possibility of failure and moving forward helps with personal growth and development. However, cheating and not facing your shortcomings head-on demonstrates cowardice and fear of confrontation. Personal integrity is a valuable trait that is essential in becoming a well-rounded person.

Lastly, cheating on the GRE is not only harmful to yourself, it can have an adverse impact on others as well. Inevitably, whenever someone cheats, it has a ripple effect on other individuals. For instance, other candidates can be swayed away from taking the same exam, as it puts everyone under suspicion of cheating. This not only impacts the fairness of the testing process but it can also lead to a decrease in the value of the degree program. It is important to keep in mind that colleges and universities rely on the sanctity of academic integrity in maintaining high standards and academic rigor. A failure in upholding these standards, as demonstrated by cheating, can have a dramatic impact on the institution’s prestige.

V. Conclusion

A. Reiteration of the benefits of cheating on the GRE

Firstly, cheating on the GRE guarantees a high score. The GRE is an exam that requires immense preparation because colleges and universities use it to evaluate student leadership potential, analytical writing, and quantitative reasoning ability. Cheating will guarantee a high score, which will give students an advantage over other applicants. A good GRE score increases the chances of gaining admission to the best schools in the US, which, in turn, increases the student’s chances of getting a job after graduation.

Secondly, cheating on the GRE saves time and money. Preparing for the GRE costs a lot of money, and many times, students are not able to afford the fees for preparatory courses. Preparing for the exam can take months, and students have to make various sacrifices such as socializing and spending time with family to achieve good scores. Cheating on the test allows students to bypass this process and have more free time to spend on other things. Additionally, cheating will save students the cost of the examination fee, which is $205. By not having to take the test again, students can save money on preparation materials and preparation courses.

Thirdly, cheating helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Preparing for the GRE can be stressful and anxiety-provoking for students, especially if they have poor test-taking skills. Cheating will help these students to become more confident in their abilities without the stress and anxiety that comes with preparing for the exam genuinely. Cheating makes students feel more relaxed and confident, knowing that they will have a good score.

Fourthly, cheating can attract scholarships. Some colleges and companies offer scholarships based on the student’s GRE score. By cheating, students can get the high score that will attract the scholarship instead of putting in the effort to earn it. The scholarship will help lessen the financial burden on the student and their families.

Fifthly, cheating allows for a more relaxed social life. Preparing for the GRE can be all-consuming, taking up time spent with friends and family. Cheating will allow students to keep a social life instead of locking themselves up in the library. The student can use this time to do things they enjoy and create networking opportunities with people that may help them in the future.

B. Reminder to consider the risks involved

It is essential to consider the risks involved in cheating on the GRE for a number of reasons. Firstly, cheating is illegal and unethical. The GRE is a standardized exam, and any advantage gained through cheating goes against the principles of fairness and equal opportunity. By cheating, one is violating the code of ethics and integrity that is upheld by ETS, colleges, and universities.

Secondly, the consequences of cheating on the GRE can be dire. If caught, the candidate risks losing their admission into graduate school, their job, and their reputation. Cheating on the GRE is considered academic misconduct, and universities take this issue seriously. Candidates who are found guilty of cheating may receive a failing grade, termination of admission, expulsion from the university, and even criminal charges.

Thirdly, cheating on the GRE is not worth the risk. While the temptation to cheat may be high, the benefits of doing so are short-lived. Cheating may help a candidate secure a higher score on the exam, but it does not guarantee admission into grad school. Admissions officers consider other factors such as academic record, personal statement, and letters of recommendation when making admission decisions. Cheating may also have a negative impact on a student’s career prospects. Employers value integrity and ethical behavior, and cheating can taint a candidate’s reputation and impact their future career opportunities.

In conclusion, GRE candidates are reminded to consider the risks involved in cheating. While the temptation to cheat may be high, it is essential to remember that cheating is illegal, unethical, and not worth the risk. The consequences of getting caught can have a significant impact on a candidate’s future academic and career prospects, and the advantages gained from cheating are short-lived. Candidates who are caught cheating face dire consequences and may lose admission into graduate school, their reputation, and even face criminal charges. The GRE is an essential aspect of securing admission into graduate school, but it is crucial to approach the exam with integrity and honesty. The exam is a reflection of one’s academic ability, and candidates who succeed in the exam through hard work, dedication, and honesty will ultimately benefit in the long run.

作者 metacheating


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